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CHRIS' visit in Marl

We were very happy and excited, when Chris told us, to visit us, after having his trip

to Italy. For our whole family it was a very special event, to see him the third time

this year, after we saw him last time 14 years ago. After a hard journey from the

Garda See, which took about 650 miles (about 1.000 km), I picked him up at a

carpark on the motorway near Dortmund. I was really surprised, when I watched

in his face. My impression was, that the few kilometers from Marl to Dortmund

were more hard for me, then the 1.000 kilometers from Italy to Dortmund for him. I write

this sentence with a great respect to Chris. I thimk, I would be dead after such

a long journey. Not so Chris. After arriving our home, we had a great night.


On the following day we had a little trip arround our region. Afterwards my

mother came down with an applecake. So we enjoyed a great sunny day

in October. It was warm enough, to have a barbeceau at night. We promised each

other, to meet us more often, then the last years. On Sunday we accompanied

Chris on his way back to London untill Duisburg-Kaiserberg.

This weekend was the best for us this year!

Thank you very much for it, Chris! And also thank you, for changing our bikes.

Althoug the pains in my neck and back: I had a lot of fun, to drive your R1.

have a look at the very small cutted video